Monday, January 17, 2011

Happy day to all ...We are celebrating Martin's day but I feel driven to observe that I feel we are as far from " The Dream Realized" as he was when he dreamt it. I feel as disconnected from the people around me as I have ever felt. I believe that while we know more about each other, we have not tried to understand each other. I live in a city that is divided more by culture and color than by geography.

"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity."

Those are difficult words to try to live up to. Especially when my concerns seem all consuming, 0r when those around me seem to pursue their individual liberties with a vengeance.
But this is what it is about...learning to live beyond my skin...that currently does not like much except its own particular feel and fit.


this conflict
rages on many fronts
and oftentimes
for reasons defying
but whether your skin is
white or black
or brown or yellow
or an amalgam
of different colors
always the blood
that pours from
our wounds
is red.

Here is one of my favorite songs written by Patti Griffin and dedicated to the late but not forgotten MLK...I hope one day we will realize your dream.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I am searching for silence because only in true silence, a stillness of all things: body, soul and spirit, can I hear His voice. This year I am searching for some stillness. We live in a very noisy world, and I live in the midst of a vicious city, it will chew you up and spit you out if you allow it. There are so many issues that it is almost impossible to achieve silence much less stillness of the soul. However, I need it to survive.

I will start with the outward man...the body.


I am more than my skin
This skin speaks volume
in strange blemished curves
and dried patches

I am more than my skin
my black skin
smooth and easy
and sometimes
too hot for words

My skin sometimes separates
builds walls between
black and brown and
black and white
and sometimes rightly so
I am more than my skin

My skin
this skin
is my skin
does not always act right
can be snippy and prissy
and downright bitchy
but I am more than my skin

I am night black
caramel brown
blood red
sky blue and
cloud white

But do not forget
I am heart, soul, spirit
more than my skin.