Sunday, February 27, 2011


Sometimes just the saying is enough...

to search the path of simple lines
that runs in single convergent strands
to know that way leads unto way
and we are held by immortal hands

to understand the elemental base
the linkage of earth, air, fire and sea
that animal man has stepped from grace
and now proclaims that he is free

Of natural things I am unsure
for nought around seems quite innate
we are often not what we show
and are shaped by gods of power, love and hate.

Nature: The Mother Potentate
who rules through systems of balanced might
is often turned from her ordered state
by us in our quest for eternal sight

in this twisted maelstrom called life
of pariah angels and fallen man
truth is relative
and love is a word
and the solid rock is on sinking sand

DAY 26...Hidden

Veiled wonder of my potent vision
Machinations of my upper room
Whispered longing of my inner sanctum
Remembered allure of a past perfume

At the sunrise
Slow the dawning
Obscure presence of a missing bone
Restful wakings
warmth encumbered
Reaching for the next alone

In the noonday
Heat unwavered
My moisture trickles in single strands
Running slowly
pooling hotly
Trying to break the cooling bands

Come the night-time
Black and starry
Dreams unleashed to haunt my sleep
Shadowed stranger
mystic caller
Persona woos from fathoms deep

Veiled wonder of my fickle fancy
Machinations of my pilot room
Calling me to find the linkage
To tie the knot before the tomb. 

DAY 25..Thanksgiving


Thank You, who made it light then dark
and created black to show a spark;
And made music, air, and silk
and nipples that can sprout out milk.
And sweaty smells, and salt, and heat
and computer games, and nice small feet.
And cheesecake with strawberry glaze
and laughter, and the blues, and a mental maze.
But thanks most of all for dreams and hope
So that my navel, my hair, and my skin can cope. 

DAY 24...The Search

Simply put 
we search the maze 
of life's deep trenches 
for a heart. 
A heart alike 
a heart apart. 

One that 
pounds and stutters, 
for our chemistry

the errant spark 
light our dark. 
a touch 
to remember 
a cold December 
a smile now gone 
from lips still warm. 
Noble heat 
to nurture dreams 
a place to grow 
rooted and strong 
and write 
entwined destiny's 
a search that fuels 
our every want 
a heart alike 
a heart apart.